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Disclaimers & Disclosures

Fair Share Lawyers, PLLC 798 Berry Road, #41947, Nashville, TN 37204.

Tennessee Responsible Attorney: James William Bewley.Firm attorneys are licensed to practice law only in Tennessee. Fair Share Lawyers will associate with licensed attorneys in other jurisdictions as required by specific state bar rules. Cases may be referred when warranted and in the best interests of the client. While cases may be referred to other attorneys for primary responsibility, Fair Share Lawyers maintains joint responsibility. Services may be performed by others, and co-counsel may be utilized during various stages of a claim. Co-counsel in various other jurisdictions may assist in representation where applicable or required. Clients not accepted in states where unauthorized by state bar rules and services are not available in all states.

We offer a “No Win, No Fee” contingency fee agreement. Clients remain responsible for costs and expenses associated with Fair Share Lawyers pursuing their claim regardless of the outcome; however, they will not be responsible for any attorney fees if there is no recovery. In the event of a recovery or successful result, the client will be responsible for costs and expenses, as well as attorney fees. Attorney fees will be calculated prior to expenses being deducted.

All fee arrangements will be agreed upon by Fair Share Lawyers, any affiliated firm and the client, in writing, before any engagement to provide legal services begins.

Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. Case results vary depending on the facts related to each specific matter.

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. In some jurisdictions, this website may be considered advertising. We have made every effort to comply with all known legal and ethical requirements in providing this website. We do not desire to represent clients based solely upon their review of any portions of this website. We do not wish to represent clients where compliance of our website may not fall within the legal or ethical requirements in their jurisdiction.

Material contained in this website is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice or solicitation of legal services. Transmission
of information from this website is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship between Fair Share Lawyers and the reader or visitor.

Copyright & Trademark Notice

Notice All elements of this website are copyrighted materials for Fair Share Lawyers. All rights reserved. Reproduction or distribution of any material from this website for commercial purposes is prohibited without the express written permission of Fair Share Lawyers.Fair Share Lawyers® and Demand Your Fair Share® are federally registered trademarks.


Currently only accepting cases of $250,000 value or more.


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No Attorney Fees Unless
We Get Results


There’s No Cost or Obligation to Get Started

At Fair Share Lawyers, your initial consultation is always free and confidential. We will review your information, answer your questions, and determine if you have a case at no cost to you. And if you choose us to handle your case, you pay us no attorney fees unless we get you the money you’ve earned. Don’t wait to get help—contact us 24/7 to get started.

DisclaimerPrivacy Statement. Estate Dispute Claims Fair Share Lawyers, 798 Berry Road, #41947, Nashville, TN 37204. All elements of this website are copyrighted materials for Fair Share Lawyers, PLLC. Under contingency fee arrangement, if there is no recovery, clients pays no attorney fee. Clients remains responsible for costs and expenses associated with pursuing his or her claim. Court approval may be required in some instances before a contingency arrangement can be offered. Not all cases can be accepted on a contingency based on case type and/or unique facts associated with each potential claim.