Bicycle & Pedestrian Accidents

With Nashville’s tremendous growth comes more people out and about, increased traffic and crowded streets. More Nashvillians and visitors are looking for other travel options, such as walking or riding bikes, to get to our popular local destinations. But, the increased congestion on our streets can make it even more dangerous for pedestrians and casual bike riders.
In many instances, accidents occur due solely to the inattention to safety and lack of respect for pedestrians and bikers on the part of the automobile driver. All driver’s have the legal responsibility to operate their vehicles safely and avoid negligent or reckless behavior. In a perfect world, everyone would do what’s right and there would be no accidents, but that’s not reality. If you or a loved one has been hurt on our streets by a careless driver, call us at Fair Share Lawyers first.
At Fair Share Lawyers, we help everyday people who’ve been hurt by the negligence of others. We’ll review your claim and connect you with the experienced legal representation equipped to fight and build a strong case on your behalf. We’ll do all the work, so you can focus on getting better.
No Attorney Fees Unless We
Get Results

There’s No Cost or Obligation to Get Started
At Fair Share Lawyers, your initial consultation is always free and confidential. We will review your information, answer your questions, and determine if you have a case at no cost to you. And if you choose us to handle your case, you pay us no attorney fees unless we get you the money you deserve. Don’t wait to get help—contact us 24/7 to get started.

Disclaimer. Privacy Statement. Accident & Injuries Fair Share Lawyers, 798 Berry Road, #41947, Nashville, TN 37204. All elements of this website are copyrighted materials for Fair Share Lawyers, PLLC. Under contingency fee arrangement, if there is no recovery, clients pays no attorney fee. Clients remains responsible for costs and expenses associated with pursuing his or her claim.